The Curly Traveler

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5 actions to help you be more productive

Here are 5 tips to being more productive

  1. Set goals or make list

    The night before or the morning of your day start a list. Before you do anything! I like to keep a small marker board on my wall just for that. Every day I start a list of things that I would like to see done. Make sure to keep it realistic. You can make a list of “Must Do” and a list of “If I can get to it” … or something like that. Even if it is one thing. Make a habit of writing it down and make it visible for yourself throughout your day. This keeps your to-do list on your mind to where you won’t forget and stay sidetracked all day.

  2. Give yourself a reward for accomplished goals

    Sometimes all we need is a little motivation. A lot of things we do in life are because of the end result, the reward. Whether it is a bowl of ice cream or watching your TV show. A little prize or gold at the end of the rainbow will not hurt!

  3. Find an accountability partner

    Sometimes saying what we plan to do and sticking to it is hard! It’s plain and simple, we can make a list and say we are going to do it but it can also be easy to throw it in the trash if you have nothing or no one to hold you to it. Find a family member, close friend or partner that would be up to making sure you get it done. A daily call or text to check on your progress will do the trick! And be honest, it is only to help yourself!

  4. Prioritize your day - ahead of time

    We must be realistic with ourselves and our expectations of ourselves. It is always good to think ahead if your plans are actually do-able. Think ahead how much time each task could take. If it doesn’t seem like you will have enough time to do everything, maybe taking something off of the “Must do” list and moving it to the “If I can get to it” list may not be a bad idea. You don’t want to set yourself up for failure.

  5. Give yourself rest

    It is simple. Rest is the recharge we need to go strong all other times. This is something I often have to remind myself to do. It is a work in progress. However, when you are rested you are ready for anything! Make sure to have a steady sleep pattern that includes enough sleep for you to feel recharged for the next day!!